Signed, limited edition sculptures in bronze.
Author’s control of all stages of the process of creating a translation in bronze with specialists: mold, cast bronze, patina.
Music, bronze, 10,5 x 4 x 4 inc, base of marble.
Judith and Holofernes, bronze, 18 x 17 x 8 inc, base of marble.
Couple #, bronze, 8 x 4 x 4 inc, base of marble.
Susan and the Old Men, bronze, 12 x 11 x 9 inc.
Longing for Flight, aluminum, 11 x 5 x 3 inc, base of wood.
Bas relief Mountain chart, bronze ,22 x 6 inc.
Crucified by the Moon, bronze,32 x 16 x 4 inc, base of granite.
Life of a Clown ,aluminum, 22 x 10 x 9 inc, base of wood.